Monday, February 16, 2009

Getting back in the swing of things...

Ok.. so it's been a lil bit since I've picked up a brush or pencil to create anything non-utilitarian. About 10 years to be exact. Yes, I'm blaming my time away from the art world squarely on my kids shoulders. Not in a boo, hiss kind of way. Just in a they've kept me really busy kind of way. Nah mean? Anyway, now that they're older and developing their own interests, I find that my interest in drawing and painting has returned.

But all this time away has left me rusty, self-conscious and hesitant about my skills. So I decided to take a class. (I'm big on classes, books and any sort of organized lesson. For every and anything.) Anyway, I'm taking a Life Drawing class at FIT and loving it. In our first class we had an older woman pose nude for four 10 min poses. Here are my results:

Pose #1 - pencil on paper
Ok, I was very nervous and feeling all 'I really should not be here, I don't know what I'm doing' for this sketch. I didn't have any supplies other than my kids pencils and a sketchbook I bought a year or so ago. But a few minutes in I started to relax a bit.

The 10 min went quickly and I had a lot of trouble with proportion but I was in it and feeling good.

Pose #2 - pencil on paper
Ok, there are some issues with this one. I attempted to do her arm but was thrown by the angle. The teacher comes by and is like don't even try it..continue the with the rest of the body. When he made his second pass he looked at the legs and was like you need bigger paper...

Pose #3 - pencil on paper
Ugh, I have no words.. was still struggling...

Pose #4 - pencil on paper
I feel better about this one..

At that was the end of class. I felt really good by the end and happy to be there. Very excited about what the rest of the semester will bring.

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