Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So...I showed up to the next class armed with all requested supplies including a tube of black & white acrylic paint. Everyone's like, paint? I thought this was a drawing class. But whatever. As we set up he tells us what he's got planned. We're doing 4 - 10 min poses. First we're going to use our fingers to paint the torso of the model. The point is to feel the movement, planes and shape of the body. After the paint dries, we'll do each pose again with charcoal. On top of the paint. Interesting. Anyway we get started:

Pose #1 - acrylic & charcoal on brown paper
Ok, in the beginning, I didn't understand what he wanted from us. So this isn't really fulfilling the mission.

Sidenote: our model this week had major 'tude. I don't know why she chose to pose with her arms up. Of course she couldn't keep them up there for the whole 10 min. 2 min in her arms fall and we're all like HEY! and she gets mad like 'my arms hurt'. Not my problem chica. You're the dummy that chose to stick her arms in the air. smh. Anyway next pose:

Pose #2
Ok, I'm starting to get into it now. With some direction from the prof I think I'm doing much better. And I remember that I much prefer painting to drawing. I'm already planning to get back into painting in my, lol, 'spare time'.

Pose #3
Again, major 'tude from the model. When it came time to do the charcoal she couldn't remember how she posed and we're trying to guide her and she's like no that's not right and we're like woman! there are 20 different pictures proving you wrong now turn left...jeez! anyway, i like this one as well but here's my favorit:

Pose #4
I love this one! And I really like the idea of mixing media..will have to keep it up...

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